Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Most other things have been off the table in the last 24 hours while emails have been flying over the condition of our favorite heart attack victim. Even the 28th anniversary of the Death of Elvis has been largely ignored (Although here's an artifact...

I talked to Boss on the phone just now and seem chipper, pleased to be in bed and waited upon, and willing to gossip about all the rest of you. Seems resigned to cutting out the booze and taking up swimming. Also lectured him on joining the 21st century and getting webbed. A computer may not be essential to a master chef, but, as a DJ, the MP3 modern world is crowding in. The following from Su tells most of the current story.

Hello folks – Visited Boss in Hammersmith Hospital last night - he was looking fine, not wired up to anything. He's going to have an angioplasty in the next few days - will keep you posted. The address is: Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS - he's currently in Ward B2 but will be moving to a different one before the op (actually I don't think they call it an operation, it's a procedure which is carried out with only a local anaesthetic, I believe). They don't usually keep people in long after an angioplasty, so with luck he'll be home soon. OK, I'm off to google 'angioplasty' and really wind myself up. PS The hospital being next door to Wormwood Scrubs Prison, Boss is sharing his ward with a prisoner under 24-hour guard, weird.

And an update comes from Rich – Boss has his angiogram today and has now been moved toWard A9.

The secret word is Goodmayes

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