Thursday, February 08, 2007


No, not that future. The other future. The nasty, real, here and now, future as sent over by our wonderful but pessimistic pal aeswiren…
"Amal has two RFID implants, one in each hand. His left hand contains a 3mm by 13mm EM4102 glass RFID tag that was implanted by a cosmetic surgeon using a scalpel to make a very small cut, into which the implant was placed. His right hand contains a 2mm by 12mm Philips HITAG 2048 S implant with crypto-security features and 255 bytes of read/write memory storage space. It was implanted by a family doctor using an Avid injector kit like the ones used on pets. He can access his front door, car door, and log into his computer using his implants." And this idiot thinks the whole idea is cool? For pics and a whole lot more on the subject.

The secret word is HAL

CRYPTIQUEPrince or Snickers?


Anonymous said...

I kinda like silicone I got de wrong end of the stick...

Anonymous said...

It's bad enough having to use a bloody RFID card at work which tracks nearly your every move there, without becoming a living, breathing tagging device!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you're being tracked. You're being decidedly tracked, my friend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But we're on our way to save the day.

Anonymous said...

But I like being tracked.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! I really am being tracked. My cover's blown.