Monday, April 07, 2008


While the Doc is gathering his forces and scattered wits, here, after all the kind words of encouragement, is a short but neat film clip – from Noudela – of a British army experiment when, back in (I would imaging) the 1950s, soldiers were dosed with acid to see how they would perform. And discovered that you can’t operate a rocker launcher while tripping.

The secret word is Bird


Anonymous said...

"The troop commander could not control himself or his men."

This is why LSD is illegal.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant... nice link folks.
That's just made my afternoon.

A Strange Lad said...

When I was in film school, I drove through Manhattan tripping with Jill and a couple other people, all the way from Bridgeport, CT and back. We went on an NBC-TV studio tour, which was pretty strange in and of itself. While it's true that I had a teeny tiny fender bender in my Beetle while deparking, the other driver didn't really seem to mind after a chat and the rest was flawless, although the scenery a bit on the vivid side. ;-) No doubt these soldiers fell all over themselves because they didn't know what hit 'em. I'd have to agree though that it's proper not to trip while operating such things as rocket launchers, regardless of knowledge or lack thereof.

Your driver said...

I'm gonna take this as a cautionary tale. You bet.

Anonymous said...

" can’t operate a rocker launcher while tripping."

I know, brother; I've tried.

Anonymous said...

So tell us what you were aiming at.

Anonymous said...

should that be considered for my writing operations??

"..ask him if he is talking bout rocker launcher or tripping."