Thursday, August 14, 2008


Maybe worse than the fear of possible FEMA helltrains and high apocalyptic totalitarian paranoia is the ongoing reality of being nickeled and dimed to death by a constant hard radiation of petty details. The email that follows arrived this morning, I signed the petition and went about my business, but continued to fume at the audacity of these Republican bastards, and the time and resources that have to be expended by the good guys to stop this arrant crap.

Can you imagine living in a place where birth control is considered an "abortion" and health insurers won't cover it? Where even rape victims are denied emergency contraception?
It seems unbelievable, but the Bush Administration is quietly trying to redefine "abortion" to include birth control. The Houston Chronicle says this could wipe out dozens of state laws that protect women's reproductive freedom and protect rape victims.1 Access to basic health care for millions of women would be jeopardized. And it's being pushed as a "rule change"-meaning, it doesn't need congressional approval.
Can you sign an emergency message to Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, whose department is considering this rule change right now? Tell him: "Contraception is NOT abortion. The Bush Administration's proposal to change the definition of abortion and reduce women's access to birth control must be stopped."

Click here to sign and click here for the full story

CRYPTIQUE My time ain’t long enough to be wasted, pilgrim.


Benjamin Owens said...

Petition signed, word spread...

Make a bulletin on myspace w/ "REPOST" on it & you'll be surprised at how far it goes.

Mick said...

I have nothing to do with myspace. I long ago decided it was the realm of Satan. (Or Murdoch)

Benjamin Owens said...

The best thing about the SNS is that it allows me to keep in contact with people who would otherwise knock on my door unexpectedly or cost me an arm in a leg over long distance calls.

& seriously? Rupert is evil? Other than tax evasion & perpetuating economic inequalities? What'd the guy do?

Benjamin Owens said...

err... an arm in a leg? how's that work? ''with caution, that's how''.

Anonymous said...

My Space also leaks data like a sieve.