Tuesday, October 20, 2009


“Hoping to stigmatize, criminalize and otherwise terrorize women seeking abortions, the wise and compassionate legislators of Oklahoma have passed a law that mandates recording and publishing on a website the details of each abortion performed there. No names, but more than enough facts - date, county, age, marital status etc - to out any woman in a small community. Fighting the bill are two lawyers and the Center for Reproductive Rights, which earlier helped defeat a proposed law requiring doctors to describe the ultrasound image of her fetus to any woman seeking an abortion.”


Mark Haspam said...

for fuck's sake...

WV mispr

some girl said...

hey, doc -- can you add a link to this or post in the comments? want to read the rest of the story (if there's more...), but there's just this cite and no link. thanks!

also, to answer your question, it's never gonna stop till the patriarchy goes down.

Mick said...

Sorry, my friend, I lifted the bit intact from http://headlines-youshouldknow.blogspot.com/ (permalink on the right)and that was all they wrote.

stu said...

why stop there? make `em wear big pointy hats & sack cloth & run them barefoot over coals.these dickheads have really fkt me off.& that`s swearing