Sunday, December 06, 2009


The inclusion of the poem by Finn the cat in last yesterday’s post generated enough email to make me think that I should throw Doc40 open to other feline poets. Send email submissions to and I will post them. The rules are simple.

The work must be spontaneously generated. Placing the cat on the computer keys would be a breach of honor.

The poem must be accompanied by the cat’s name, a short biography, and a picture. (And don’t make it larger than around 150 kb.)


Herr Frozdick said...

I'm allergic to cats but I appreciate their poetry.

Valerie said...

"The 2000 Ig Nobel Prize in Computer Science was awarded to Chris Niswander for inventing PawSense, software that detects when a cat is walking across your computer keyboard and locks out that input to prevent any unintended actions."

Shit, thought they just got it wrong with Obama.

stu said...

good looking lad