Friday, December 11, 2009


I have a grave suspicion that I’ve spent the last few days hiding in alien fantasy from the incredibly depressing cable news reality. Of course, the spiral light over Norway was major and the Frozdick family has to keep on rocking, but, where maybe I should have been chronicling the disappearance of Barack Obama’s credibility and my dissolving dreams of sweeping FDR reforms, I’ve been avoiding the ugly hopelessness of the now. As it is, I can barely stand to watch healthcare in the USA circle the toilet bowl, and two wars aimlessly dragging on for no clearly defined purpose, with one in a theatre of operations that even Alexander the Great wouldn’t touch with rubber gloves. The world has plainly been handed back to Goldman Sachs who, in their myopic ultra-greed, cannot even grasp the basic principle that unless you pay the worker/consumers enough to buy the goddamned goods and services, money becomes an abstraction and vanishes in hyperinflation, and even their Blackwater guards won’t save the rich from the cannibal hordes.

The secret word is almost Despair. (But not quite.)


Ghostwoods said...

I wish I felt differently Mick, or disagreed with you. Unfortunately, it seems that self-interest is such a dominant monkey-brain trait that the only way out now is down the plughole.

Mainstream news has become too depressing and manipulative to follow.

John Lemon said...

christ you know it ain't easy...

Tim Holtze said...

Even outlaws need money for bullets initially. It seems it takes more money than ever to make money these days, how can anyone be successful?