Sunday, September 18, 2011


Just to remind me never to stop expecting the unexpected, I am right now recovering from the painful zap of a big bad bout of pleurisy on top of my already existing Doc Holliday lung condition. Although not actually life-threatening, the episode put a decided crimp in my pursuit of happiness, and a temporary but highly significant slow-down on my creative endeavors. This is my first outing to the internet in two weeks and I'm currently still hiding from Facebook etc. to avoid a deluge of well-wishers wanting answers and explanations. I guess I’ll maybe get to that later today or tomorrow if I have the strength. My doctor (bless her and the socialized medicine she brought to my aid) has told me to take it really easy for a few more days but, after that, I fear I will be forced to face the fearful catch-up of all that I have failed to accomplish.

Click here for a sibling

The secret word was Sick


Mr Kite said...

Just glad you're still with us Mick...

stu said...

hope you`re a lot better soon chief.

Aleleeinn said...

Glad to see you are ok. The lord of shadow of the catapocalypse was send to aid you.

Fred said...

Glad to have you back.

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Having breathed the air of England and LA, when you lived there, it is a wonder your lungs did not pack it in years ago.

Anonymous said...

May the spirit of Bakunin speed you back to good health - Salud

Grubbermeister said...

Hope you continue to get better, sir!

The Marmite Man said...

Good to hear from you.

Effwit said...

Glad you're back, thought that representatives of Mr. J. might have paid you a visit after your hilarious (and razor sharp) observations about him that appear in Marc Spitz's new bio.

"When faced with some real Satanic majesty ..."


PS: I can't believe that the "Content Warning" bullshit is still on this blog. Its been months.

slinkymalinky said...

Glad to hear you're still alive.

some girl said...

geez, micky! glad you're feeling better. i wasn't worried before b/c thought you were pursuing happiness, but now i fear i WILL be. :( however, i know you're tough, so won't fret TOO much. do listen to the dr and take it easy. the work can wait for now. don't think of it as failed to accomplish but just as slightly delayed to accomplish. xx

farty g said...

I thought you were just getting your end away.

stu said...

nice hat by the way.

Anonymous said...

Mustn't leave you dangling at 13. Get well, Mick.